Isis 「アイシス, Aishisu」 is a priestess that serves Pharaoh Atem in Ancient Egypt and wields the Millennium Necklace. Ishizu Ishtar is the reincarnation of Isis. She is named after the Egyptian god Isis. A wise, kind and intelligent woman, she seems to share a close friendship with Mahado in the anime, as she converses with him before he goes off to fight Bakura for the Pharaoh's sake. She is able to sense his plight during the duel with Bakura, and utters his name with tears flowing down her cheeks. Aishisu alone senses Mahado's demise, and cries out his name tearfully. It can be speculated she withheld deep feelings for him. Even three thousand years on, in the final duel with Atem and Yugi, when the Dark Magician makes his appearance, Isis notices "a deep pain in her heart." She ultimately dies while facing Zorc in an attempt to buy Mana enough time to give Atem his Millennium Puzzle.